Time for a new case


I built my daily desktop back in 2013, and chose to fit it into a small case that could be easily transported to LAN events if needed. Initialy specced’ with an AMD FX8350, 16GB RAM, 12oGB SSD, 1.5TB HDD, and a GTX 760 GPU. This was good for what I needed, and even survived the long flight to New Zealand. Over the years, I upgraded the RAM to 32GB, upgraded to a 1080Ti and 1TB NVME SSD, most of which are wasted on this old architecture.

Fast forward to 2018, and I needed a bigger case for airflow and future upgrades, this was also because the 1080 wouldn’t fit in the old case.

  • Category General IT
  • Date July 2018
  • Client Personal Project
  • Role Build